Summer is almost over and, as September has managed to sneak into our lives, I felt the need to make some changes and set a few goals I'd like to achieve before starting my third and final (sigh!) year at uni.

I've always been big at the whole 'write everything down' thing, but somehow I only manage to do it on paper and rarely on my blog. So I decided to try something new: a monthly goal post where I list the things I'd like to do and try to achieve them all.

As someone who's always been highly motivated but oh so lazy at times, I feel like this would be the best move for me right now. Making something public and out there is always a good kick up your arse, isn't it?

So, what are my goals for September, you might (or might not, I won't judge!) ask?

1. Write more posts

I've been uninspired for too long and it has affected everything I do, starting from my uni work to my blog posts and online interaction. I am now challenging myself to write more content, to ensure I document my life as much as possible now that I still have some free time.

2. Try new things

Whether that includes clothes that are out of my comfort zone or simply recipes, I want to explore and try new things.

3. Set daily goals

I somehow always manage to write down a daily goal list that is longer than my dissertation (I mean I'm joking but you get the point). I need to learn how to be slightly more realistic with myself and stop giving myself such a hard time.

4. Anxiety

During the past two months I've been seeing someone to talk about all sorts of things that affect me daily. I realised how weird and exhausting it is to constantly work on yourself but I've seen some progress already and I want to continue doing what I'm doing.

5. Learn a new language

I know this might seem weird (and sort of, erm, impossible?) however, starting from this month – today to be precise, this will be my biggest (and of course long-term) goal.
I fell in love with Norwegian years ago but never had the time or will to learn it. Now I've officially bought a grammar book and I am determined to finish it (and ensure my money doesn't go to waste, of course!)

So there you have it, I feel better already now that I've written them all down! I'll make sure I'll come back first thing in October to update you on my progress and see what I've managed to achieve.


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