So here it is, part two of my internship experience (you can find part one here). I am not gonna lie to you, I should have written this post at least two weeks ago but the past week has been so stressful I literally had no time to do anything that wasn't work related.

After my placement, being back at university has't been as easy as I thought it was gonna be. I have had to catch up on all the lectures I missed, write all the notes (so, so many notes!) and, on top of all that, hand in 10% of my dissertation which has, without a doubt, been the most stressful thing so far.
However, the 10% is finally done and I can relax (for now) and write down this post.

You might remember from my last post that my anxiety took over my life for a short amount of time before starting the internship (and on the first day, actually) but week two was probably the best anxiety-free week I've had in ages. Although week one was full of new experiences and new tasks, week two was, well, slightly less exciting.

That's not necessarily a bad thing – I ended up feeling more relaxed and managed to enjoy my lunch hour more. The tasks were pretty much the same as the previous week, but I somehow managed all of them without messing anything up. And, this is probably the most exciting part, I even got to write a small article which was a huge step for me.

The worst thing about these two weeks was probably realising that a fashion internship will never be as glamorous as Andy's one in The Devil Wears Prada. No free designer clothes, no calls with Dolce & Gabbana and no trips to the local Starbucks – but I enjoyed mine nonetheless.

Seems weird to say it, but I've somewhat grown and slightly changed in the past couple of weeks. Found out I wasn't as prepared for this job as I thought I was and realised not all the ideas I have are great or suitable (although my ideas are always great so I mean...). But I've done it, I finished it and I couldn't be happier. I am lucky I've met people who were there to help me when I needed it or just up for a chat every once in a while. I am positive this experience has opened lots of doors and cannot wait to see what the other internships have got in store for me!


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