It feels quite weird to write again on this blog. I suppose at this point, the many breaks I have been taking throughout the years should have made this process easier.

Despite that, and despite me choosing writing as a career, I am awful at writing things down. Actually, I'll rephrase that: I am awful at writing down what I feel. Because, you see, I could ramble for hours about a specific book, a skirt, or a place I've visited. But it's always really hard for me to put down into words what I feel. Especially when I am sad.

I guess it's quite a normal thing, if I have to be honest with you, and I really don't know why I am writing this post down. I just had the hitch, a sort of an urge to start writing again. Something that I have been missing dearly lately.

I have been caught up in what is, essentially, life. Winter left its place to spring, where my heart felt better and I handed in my dissertation. I am in fact, a full functioning and graduate adult trying to make a living out of what I love doing the most.

Graduation was a bittersweet day, I have possibly never been prouder of myself for achieving a first class honours degree in journalism, something I thought would have never been possible considering how the year was going. I fought a lot and achieved even more, in both my personal and my work life.
However, I can't deny that closing the chapter that is university, has made me feel empty and lost. In a way, I essentially ended what had been my routine for the past three years. I had to move, said goodbye to friends and places I love and miss dearly. And I have to admit, it has been quite the journey – one I haven't been able to adapt to just yet.

And somehow, despite all this, something in me wanted to write things down and start this old thing again. The question now is, will anyone actually read me? Will anyone care about what I have to say?
I am not sure, and I don't think I want to know. This blog has been a massive part of me for the past four years and I could not be more grateful for the amount of opportunities it has led me to.

So here I am, once again, writing down everything that comes to mind. If you don't know who I am that's fine, I am trying to figure it out as I go along.


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