I have been thinking lately about what 'self love' really means. Does it have to do with your image? Your body? Your personality?
Is it possible to love myself even if I am constantly changing and growing?

My appreciation comes and goes I guess. Some days I feel lucky to be myself, some days I think it's crap. Sometimes I like my body, my eyes, my smile – sometimes I hate my thighs, my stomach and my nose.
I like it when I'm nice and when people laugh at the funny things I say – I hate it when I feel anxious and can't think straight.

I am now in my twenties, going on twenty-two and I am still not sure whether I like who I am or not. I still don't know what self love is, I still treat myself like shit sometimes. And I don't know if that's okay or not. 
All I know for sure is that I want to improve, I want to make small changes that'll help me grow into a woman I'd like to be. 
I'd love to get rid of my anxiety and panic attacks, if possible. I'd like to be more adventurous and I'd like to stand up for myself more.
I might not know what self love is at the moment, but I am willing to work towards it. I am now surrounded by people who value and care about me. And I'd like to see myself the way they see me.


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