Let's make something clear: my body confidence is, at times, very low.

I've never been able to unconditionally love absolutely everything about my body – something I'm sure most people can relate to. Sometimes it's my stomach, sometimes it's my nose or my teeth or my chin. Lately, I've noticed how social media has had a massive impact on the way I see and feel about my body.

I am well aware how, these days, people have gotten particularly good at Photoshop and Facetune and I also know (deep down) that no one would ever share something they don't particularly like or are 100% content with. Despite my common sense, I can't help but scroll through my Instagram feed and feel like I am not enough.
You're basically almost expected to have it all: perfect body, perfect face, amazing outfit, lots of money and great photography skills. And let's not forget about the constant pressure of getting tonnes of likes and followers – something I have yet to master I'm afraid.

It's almost as if we have all forgotten what it's like to be real and have instead created this 'perfect' online persona with great confidence, amazing mental health and all the luck in the world. Why is it so bad to fail from time to time anyway? And why, I constantly ask myself, is it bad if people know about it?
Personally, I always find it inspiring to read people's struggles and how they overcome them; it makes me feel more human.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore social media, it's something that will never change; but lately it has only made me feel more demotivated than anything else. And I guess the problem is that I am guilty of hiding my insecurities just like everyone else.

If you've read my last post, you'll know that my anxiety hasn't been great lately, and part of it is due to the extremely toxic nature of social media. I graduated a month ago and am currently (and sadly) still looking for a job. It means I don't have an income at the moment and I can't afford to do lots of things I would like to do. I can't travel to see my friends, I can't buy clothes I am obsessed with, I can't even take classes or go to the gym. Instead, I have been almost forced to stay at home and spend my days doing the same things over and over again.

Somehow everything seems worse when I go on social media and see all these successful people having fun, traveling the world and acting as if they don't have a care in the world. Sometimes I just think this whole social media thing has gotten out of hand and can be extremely hard to keep up with. Perhaps we should put down our phones for a bit and reconnect with the real world, or maybe we should just allow ourselves to be sad and stressed and worried – and we shouldn't feel 'forced' to hide it away.

We're flawed and imperfect and that's perfectly okay.


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