The One Where Alice Turns 20

Can this post be considered a part two? And if you have no clue of what I am talking about you should probably read this post right here.

But yes, as you can probably tell by the title, I turned 20 on Sunday. And what a beautiful weekend that was.

Started my early birthday celebration on Saturday when me and my pal Alice – I promised I am not referring to myself, went out for dinner. Italian of course, what else would you expect from me? Right after dinner we went to the Theatre to see a play, Shakespeare In Love to be more precise. Maybe not all of you are aware of the fact that I am basically obsessed with English Literature and that Shakespeare In Love is by far one of my favourite films of all times, so by this point you can imagine my excitement! The play was amazingly done and most of the lines were taken from the film – therefore I knew them by heart and couldn't help but acting along. Typical Alice.
Afterwards I went to my friend's pub and we waited until midnight with a bunch of people I didn't know that sang happy birthday to me. To be fair, 99% of them were pissed but still, that was nice and really out of tune haha! Needless to say we stayed up all night drinking and laughing and having a hell of a good time and that the actual day of my birthday I was too tired to do anything apart from eating what was left of the cake.

So yes, I am now 20. Technically not a teen anymore but still acting like one – did you have any doubts about it? Because I didn't. 
I don't really know how to feel because to be fair nothing's changed, it just feels really weird saying that I am now 20 years old. Almost too weird.
But that's life, and there's nothing I can do about it apart from enjoying it. 
What's really surprising is that only a year ago I was miserable but I got to spent my 19th birthday with my closest friends and family and now I am okay and got to celebrate this special day with people I didn't even know they existed up until 8 months ago. Weird how things can change in just 365 days. 
I don't know what to expect from this year, but I know I am ready for it :)


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