Well hello there.

I guess long time no see?

This has been a long coming post but the past couple of months have been so awful and stressful that I had practically no time to think about my blog, let alone writing a post.

I started off the year with great expectations – lots of posts, content, photos. And everything was so exciting up until the moment I realised my anxiety was taking over my life.
For the longest time my relationship with anxiety has ruined so many great things, but I feel like this year has probably been quite literally the worst one.

I've always been very anxious about everything I do, it is in my nature and I can deal with it. But the pressure of succeeding and finishing my second year of university, friendships going wrong, awful housemates (that story deserves a whole post, trust me!) and the pressure of keeping up a relationship had the best of me and I ended up finishing this academic year with a first overall (yay me!) but a very unwell mind.

I left my university house, moved away and started relaxing. I even went on a girls holiday for TEN days, me! Can you believe it?!
I have been trying so hard to enjoy my day to day life. I've started reading again, something I've missed doing so bloody much to be quite honest with you.
I started going for walks every day, I've been keeping up with old friends I haven't seen in a while.

But now I feel like I am ready to start sharing on my blog again. This blog, however unprofessional and messy, has been a huge part of me for the last four years and has lead me to a career (well, almost) in journalism.

So here we are again, with me trying this blogging thing one more time.
I have so many things coming up – not one but TWO amazing internships, a trip home, my third and final year at university, my dissertation (okay maybe that one is not THAT exciting).

I am ready to take it slow and enjoy sharing the little things again. So here's to yet another clean start – hopefully better than the last one!

Thanks for sticking by,


1 comment:

  1. Great to see you back, I just started blogging from taking a break too!

    Emily xo
