Today's post was going to be an Autumn favourites but I've decided to talk about something a bit more important: the Pink Month.

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about October is considered the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM). 
It is, basically, an annual health campaign organized by some big breast cancer charities all over the world in order to increase awareness of the disease and raise founds

The main reason why I am so passionate about this project is because my mum is a cancer survivor. Unfortunately she had to fight breast cancer not one but two times. And unfortunately there are so many women all over the world who are trying to fight it as well.

So this year I decided to donate – as usual, but I also decided to do something a bit different. 
Some of you might know that Bleach London is doing something really cool. 
"To support Breast Cancer Awareness we are running #PINKmonth as part of the Wear It Pink campaign. This month we think you should dye your hair pink to spread awareness. We will donate £1 to charity on all pink Super Cool Colours bought in store our from our online shop. Later this month we will be holding an online charity Auction where you can bid on PINK WIGS."

Therefore I decided to buy some wonderful pink hair dye and dye my hair pink and now I literally cannot wait!
Thank you for taking the time to read this post, it is something really close to my family and extremely important for me and for millions of other people out there.

If you'd like to donate and help the campaign go to:
If you can't donate but want to dye your hair pink check out the Bleach London website:
If you can't do any of the two things above but still want to help, don't worry, just make sure to share posts and infos about the Breast Cancer Awareness – and maybe wear something pink as well :)


  1. This is such a good post! I love your blog!

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog, really appreciate that and also I'm so glad you enjoyed this post.
      Really lowly blog as well xx
